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Initial Network Setup

Last updated: July, 18 2023

Congratulations and welcome to Tetheros Pro! Your account now has a network from which you will manage your team, workspaces, and billing.

Getting started

Select Begin Setup from the sidebar on the home page, or navigate to

Begin Setup

Name your network

Your network name typically represents your organization. It does not have to be unique, but the slug does:

Choose a network name

Tetheros will auto-build a slug based on the network name. You will have to create a different slug if that one is not available. The slug will be used to navigate to your network after it has been set up. It must be unique throughout Tetheros.

Explore the network management panel

After your network is created and a unique slug is chosen, you will be redirected to the network management page for your organization.

Explore the network management panel

This page offers the following tools:

  • Workspaces: Create, view, and manage all the workspaces inside your network.
  • Calendar: Peek at all tasks, goals, projects and other assignments throughout the entire network.
  • Users & Teams: Manage people who have access to network resources.
  • Templates: View and update templates shared throughout any network workspaces.
  • Settings: Adjust preferences and settings to improve your network experience.

Return to this page by returning home and selecting the network from the left sidebar.